All American Boy has joined the Cub Scouts! We've found an English-speaking Troop here where the boys come from Switzerland and neighboring France. The total Troop has around 100 boys in it, but the Den sizes are small. AAB's Den has 6 including him and he's probably one of the older ones.
Yesterday, we went to his first Den meeting/activity--a hike in the Jura mountains. Geneva sits between two mountain ranges--the Alps, which contains Mt. Blanc, the tallest mountain in Europe--and the Jura Mountains which are directly behind us. The hike yesterday was into the Jura and started at a small village called Trellex. We parked at the head of the trail, then started out--8 boys, 5 dads, and a dog.
Along the way, the boys worked towards a hiking/wilderness badge. We demonstrated making raincoats out of trash bags as a light-weight way to be prepared for bad weather, marking tracks with footprints made using reflective aluminum foil (as a potential marker), and discussed the importance of 'leaving no trace.'

Then their legs can feel like CW's the next day! :)
That is so cool. What an amazing experience, that you can't find in Texas.