CW will let les enfants give the details of what we did, but he did learn some lessons:
1) Book early. We decided about a week in advance and it was tough to find a place. We ended up in a small boutique hotel that was going through some reservations, but generally had nice staff.

5) Better meal planning. If we were home, we’d just hop in the car and drive until we found something. And there would always be something familiar. Not the case in Switzerland, but I thought in Paris, it might be better. Wrong. Trying to find a kid-friendly cafĂ© not serving foie gras? Not as easy as it might seem.
6) Understand how to order meat. We finally did find such a place. Even served cheeseburgers! But be careful ordering meat in Europe. There’s an aversion to actually cooking it. Lots of tartare—per se and by default. So the cheeseburgers arrived with an echo of ‘moo’ in the air. Best to ask for well done—bien cuit—and hope for medium.
So there you have it—just a few CW’s handy-dandy travel trips. Now enjoy what les enfants had to say about their visits!
The Eiffel Tower
All American Boy

Dash’s Birthday Trip
On Friday, when we woke up, there was a lot of hustle and bustle. We had to get dressed very quickly in time for the taxi. We gave Radar fresh food and water, and brought the luggage downstairs. The taxi that picked us up had two seats going backwards. It was really cool. When we arrived at the station we took a train to Geneva and then caught another train to Paris! On the train I sat by a window, Mom, on the other hand, had to sit next to someone who was not the best seatmate [I won’t elaborate]. When we got there, we went to our hotel and one of the rooms did not have a shower, but the other one did.
That night we went up the Eiffel Tower. Did I mention it was foggy that night? When we went up, we first went to the second level, and looked around. We were very high up. The cars looked like marbles and the people looked like ants! Then we took the elevator up to the very top. We were so high that we were in the clouds! Since there wasn’t much to see we soon went back down.
Afterwards we spent the rest of the day wandering the city. The next day we went to “the biggest aquarium in Europe” which took one hour to tour. The ride home was much more pleasant for mom, and when we came home Radar was waiting.
Dash’s Birthday Adventure.

Last week we went to Paris for my brother’s birthday. Everyone was frantic except for Mr. Lazy Bones, A.K.A Radar the cat, the morning we left.
Eventually we got off, had dinner, and went up the Eiffel Tower. We couldn’t really see anything at the top because we were in a cloud. On the bottom decks, we could see things because we were not in a cloud. My sister, Julia, wanted to go up the most but I did not. I went up to the top and went over to the edge and looked down… don’t worry! They had a big gate. Even though Julia wanted to go up the most. she wanted to go down the most, and I wanted to stay up and look down. After that we went back to the hotel. In the morning we had breakfast at the hotel and I stashed sugar cubes in my pockets. Unfortunately the dog wasn’t there. After breakfast we went to the Louvre.