Geneva at night

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Less than 12 hours!

Some people have suggested to the Cheez Whiz that they didn't get the James Bond clip and that it could have used some commentary.  CW personally believes the out of control, massive acceleration with little hope of escape was self-explanatory, but wonders if the following clip might better illustrate the situation?

We'll update you on the exact nature of the madness in the next couple of days, but suffice it to say, it's been a tad stressful!


  1. I got the Bond reference and I thought it was perfect for your situation. For all those who didn't get it .... well watch more Bond.

  2. I got the James Bond reference...but i think i like the charleton heston one better..i's charleton heston...'from my cold, dead, hands'...either way, i'm not sure if the Cheez Wiz is the heston character, or the ape..i am corn..fused....
